Victim FAQs

Please select a topic below for answers to frequently asked questions.

If your questions are not answered, please contact us at (559) 600-3141 or for assistance.

If I am the victim of a violent crime, what services are available to me?

The Victim/Witness Assistance Program provides various services for victims of violent crime. You may also contact the Victims of Crime Compensation Program at (800) 777-9229.

If I am the victim of a crime, can I drop the charges?

Since all criminal complaints are handled on behalf of the State of California, only a prosecutor, with the permission of a judge, can dismiss charges. You may, as the victim, discuss your concerns with a representative of the District Attorney's Office. Your concerns are important and will be taken into consideration.

If I am a victim of domestic violence, how do I make a report?

Please contact the law enforcement agency where the crime occurred. That agency is responsible for investigating domestic violence cases.

If I am a victim of a crime and want a restraining order to keep the person away from me, how do I do this?

We work with victims and witnesses in obtaining criminal protective orders after a criminal case has been filed. If a case is presented and filed, the assigned prosecutor can request a criminal protective order in court.

The California Courts Self-Help website also provides information about various types of restraining orders.

I just received a text/email from the District Attorney's Office about a case, is this spam?

To learn more about our victim/witness notification system, please click here.