Please select a topic below for answers to frequently asked questions.
If your questions are not answered, please contact us at (559) 600-3141 or for assistance.
The Victim/Witness Assistance Program provides various services for victims of violent crime. You may also contact the Victims of Crime Compensation Program at (800) 777-9229.
Since all criminal complaints are handled on behalf of the State of California, only a prosecutor, with the permission of a judge, can dismiss charges. You may, as the victim, discuss your concerns with a representative of the District Attorney's Office. Your concerns are important and will be taken into consideration.
Please contact the law enforcement agency where the crime occurred. That agency is responsible for investigating domestic violence cases.
We work with victims and witnesses in obtaining criminal protective orders after a criminal case has been filed. If a case is presented and filed, the assigned prosecutor can request a criminal protective order in court.
The California Courts Self-Help website also provides information about various types of restraining orders.
To learn more about our victim/witness notification system, please click here.