Workers' Compensation Fraud

Workers' compensation fraud poses a huge problem in Fresno County. Fraudulent claims have cost the region jobs, chasing companies to other states where they can avoid paying the accelerated costs of workers' compensation insurance. Fraudulent claims have also undermined the integrity of the system, causing unnecessary delays in treating real injuries and cast a shadow over the thousands of legitimate claims that are filed each year.

The District Attorney's Workers' Compensation Fraud Division has pursued an aggressive campaign to identify, investigate and prosecute workers' compensation fraud. This crime which is committed by doctors, lawyers, employers, insurance company employees and claimants occurs in both the private and public sectors.

Everyone suffers because of workers' compensation fraud. Tax dollars are wasted, the price of consumer goods increases and employers and legitimately injured workers lose money.

Truth or Consequences

The Workers' Comp Fraud: Truth or Consequences is a video explaining the main types of fraud perpetrated in the workers' comp arena. It is intended for employers, employees and the general public so they can recognize possible fraud and report it. The video is divided into three parts for easier viewing.


The Employer


The Employee


The Provider