Public Integrity Unit

The mission of the Public Integrity Unit is to investigate and where appropriate, prosecute, those public officials or public employees who commit crimes relating to their official duties, including but not limited to violations of the Brown Act, Elections Code or Political Reform Act. Our Unit is intended as an adjunct to, but not to duplicate or interfere with, the work of the Fair Political Practices Commission.

If you believe that you have information that a public official or employee has committed a crime related to their public duties, please forward the information to our office.

File A Public Integrity Complaint

  1. By completing the form below

  2. By submitting your complaint to:

    Fresno County District Attorney
    Public Integrity Unit

    2100 Tulare Street
    Fresno, CA 93721

  3. By emailing your complaint to:


In submitting this information, please be aware of the following guidelines:

Cases Accepted

  • Brown Act violations;
  • Conflicts of Interest;
  • Election violations;
  • Improper use of public funds (Penal Code §424);
  • Residency issues for:
    1. False candidacy papers;
    2. Perjury;
  • Any case that, in the view of the District Attorney’s Office, deals with the mission of the Public Integrity Unit.

Review Process

  1. All complaints must be in writing (mail, fax or e-mail);
  2. The complaint must allege a crime;
  3. The subject of the complaint must be a public official or employee;
  4. The complaint must provide sufficient evidence to justify further investigation;
  5. The complainant must disclose if the complaint has been referred to other offices whether federal, state or local;
  6. The complainant can be anonymous.